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C. Frazer Shipman, MD: Projects

To jump right in to studying the Mass Medicare for All   bill the fastest way go right


Why go to for 25 years the Mass-Care nonprofit has been growing and strengthening with one goal-                PASS AN ACT ESTABLISHING       MEDICARE FOR ALL IN MASSACHUSETTS (H.1239/S.744). 

When you are on the Mass-Care Home page, go to Legislation drop down and then scroll down to Mass M4A Legislation. Read the paragraph on the bill and then quickly scroll down to Resources from our allies and choose the one from Act on Mass called History of Medicare for All Legislation. Study the information on this simple page.

Mass-Care Banner in front of State House.png

On March 1st my letter to the editor was accepted by my local newspaper introducing the Study Group project to the residents of Franklin County.


Franklin County Study Group-FCSG

Quick background about how the Franklin County Study Group (FCSG) came to be-

In 2010 I was talking with the President of the Franklin District Medical Society about my long term interest in Medicare for All (M4A). I told him about a national project being done by Physicians for a National Health Program ( trying to get M4A resolutions passed by state medical societies. He invited me to try to do one for Massachusetts. The first resolution, the Improved Medicare for All Resolution submitted to the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) in the spring of 2022, was under review by the MMS for over a year. It was finally defeated in May of 2023.

 Our response to the defeat was to create a second resolution, the Study Group resolution submitted 10/3/23. This resolution was much less ambitious than the Improved M4A one. We just wanted any motivated MMS member to be able to form a Study Group focused on our state M4A bill H.1239/S.744. We could not see how it could be opposed.

We were wrong. The highest level leaders of the MMS including the President fought us tooth and nail. On December 9th we were defeated again and told we could not spend even one penny of our District money on a Study Group since 90% of each penny was under the control of the MMS.

In response, I decided to create a Study Group here in Franklin County that is 100% based on my effort, my money and the MMS has nothing to say about it.

I will be adding important information and links on this page regularly for the next few weeks.

I will also be selling PDF downloads in the store part of this website with more detailed reports and articles by me.

Reform Project 1
This is a placeholder. If you have content to add, please send it over to Gabriela at


Project 2

Passing a Medicare for All Resolution MMS

Starting in 2021 a group of progressive physician activists began working on passing an M4A resolution in the Massachusetts Medical Sopcietyy. Our work has continued through 2022, 2023, and on into 2024. We have submitted two M4A resolutions and both have been defeated despite very strong support from over 4000 physician MMS members. This section of the website will be where I put the information about our effots to pass an M4A resolution and our findings about how the highest levels of MMS leadership, a tiny minority of physician insurance company executives block our resolutions.

The fastest way for me to share our findings over the last three years is for you to go to the store and browse through the PDFs available for download. The PDFs cover our research into how MMS leadership blocks our resolutions, how the MMS has become corrupted over the last 43 years. In those years, business leaders, lawyers, publishers, and investors from around the world have changed the MMS from a traditional American state medical society to a publishing powerhouse with a global reach and a thirst for revenue...about 450 million dollars a year at this time-about 45 TIMES the average for a state medical society for a state with only 7 million residents. Please go to the store and look at the descriptions of PDFs from $ 3 to $ 5 dollars. These prices are set to just cover my costs for legal advice mostly.

This is a placeholder. If you have content to add, please send it over to Gabriela at


Placeholder Project Name

This is a paragraph. It is meant to serve as a placeholder for text that will be added later. It is commonly used in design and development to fill in space and give an idea of how the final content will look. This paragraph can be replaced with meaningful text once the actual content is available. In the meantime, it helps to visualize the layout and structure of a document or webpage. So, this is a paragraph that is here just for demonstration purposes.
If you have content to add, please send it over to Gabriela at

This is a paragraph. It is meant to serve as a placeholder for text that will be added later. It is commonly used in design and development to fill in space and give an idea of how the final content will look. This paragraph can be replaced with meaningful text once the actual content is available. In the meantime, it helps to visualize the layout and structure of a document or webpage. So, this is a paragraph that is here just for demonstration purposes.
If you have content to add, please send it over to Gabriela at

Project 3

This is a paragraph. It is meant to serve as a placeholder for text that will be added later. It is commonly used in design and development to fill in space and give an idea of how the final content will look. This paragraph can be replaced with meaningful text once the actual content is available. In the meantime, it helps to visualize the layout and structure of a document or webpage. So, this is a paragraph that is here just for demonstration purposes.
If you have content to add, please send it over to Gabriela at

This is a paragraph. It is meant to serve as a placeholder for text that will be added later. It is commonly used in design and development to fill in space and give an idea of how the final content will look. This paragraph can be replaced with meaningful text once the actual content is available. In the meantime, it helps to visualize the layout and structure of a document or webpage. So, this is a paragraph that is here just for demonstration purposes.
If you have content to add, please send it over to Gabriela at

Medical Form
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